Best Data Analytics with Python Free Online Training
in codeshunger we focus more on building the knowldege through pratically in the class instead of only theory we make sure that the concepts which u will lean in Big data with Python will be totally Real Time , we covered total 10+ Assignemt and 4+ project which will give u the flavor of Real time.

what is computer and programming language
python enviroment setup
python varaible
python Decision Making (if,elif and else statements)
python list part 1
python list part 2
python Tuples
python SET
python String
python Dictionary
python Exceptions handling
python Functions
python Regex
python Date and Time
python File operation Text
python File operation CSV
python File operation JSON
python OOPS
python Inheritance
python lamda
python map
python filter
python Sending Email
pymysql introduction
pymysql part 1
pymysql part 2
pymysql part 3
MYSQL Clause part 1
MYSQL Clause part 2
MYSQL Clause part 3
MYSQL Clause part 4
MYSQL PART 1 Assignment
MYSQL PART 2 Assignment
MYSQL PART 3 Assignment
MYSQL PART 4 Assignment
numpy introduction
numpy Array (1D and 2’D) creation and operation
numpy Array slicing and indexing
numpy shape and reshape
numpy array itreating
numpy array join
numpy array split and search
numpy array sort and Filter
Introduction to Pandas
Pandas Series
Pandas DataFrames
pandas Read csv and Excel File
pandas Missing Data
pandas Groupby
pandas Merging, Joining, and Concatenating
pandas Operations part1
pandas Operations part2
pandas user define functinspandas Data Input and Output
Web Scrapping Introduction
Python Request_library Explanation
BeautiFul Soup Introduction and Explanation
Beatiful_Soup_GetElemntsBy Id and Multiple Tag part1
Beatiful_Soup_GetElemntsBy Id and Multiple Tag part2
Beatiful_Soup_GetElemntsBy Id and Multiple Tag part3
Beatiful_Soup_GetElemntsBy Id and Multiple Tag part4
pyspark introduction
pyspark ecosystem
pyspark RDD
pyspark dataframe
pyspark HDFS Connection
pyspark windowing Function
Matplotlib and seaborn Introduction
Matplot Count plot
Matplot Bar plot
Matplot Histogram
Matplot Density plot
Matplot Box and Whisker plot
Matplot Scatter plot
Matplot Line Plot